The Plate Escape - EBook

Sale Price:$24.99 Original Price:$39.99

The Plate Escape is a well thought out, curated and healthy take on some of our absolute favorite dishes from around the world, written by Kelly through 2021’s summer months.

After years abroad we found ourselves grounded, not unlike many of you out there, and we needed to shift our focus. Without the ability to travel and grow our photo and video business Kelly began to start cooking a lot. She has always loved it, in fact it is truly one of her favorite things to do, and trust me… when you try these recipes you will understand why she loves it so much!

Each unique recipe has been tweaked to perfection while simplifying the recipes to make them attainable to anyone looking to cook at home. Whether you are a novice or an experienced cook we assure you that you are capable of replicating these recipes and blowing the minds of anyone you entertain for dinner.

Every recipe is vegetarian at its base, but some are already vegan! The vegetarian recipes have notations for how you can adjust to be vegan as well and, have no fear you meat lovers out there… you can add any form of protein to any of the dishes in this book.

It is with the most sincerest honesty that I, Kody, tell you that taste testing all of the included recipes was better than eating out at any restaurant that I have ever been to. Kelly has a real gift in the kitchen and the rare skill of pairing spices, flavors, and textures to create the absolute perfect profile for your taste buds.

We are both so proud of this book, Kelly’s accomplishment and her new journey ahead as a published author. Thank you all for you support and we hope to hear about your cooking experiences on our Instagram: @positravelty.

Thank you!


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* If you wish to view this book on a KINDLE, please purchase from Amazon.

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